Showing posts with label Jacket OB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacket OB. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Formal blazer operation break down

Blazer operation break down(OB) : As we know formal jacket is combination of three layer materials( Body fab, Lining, interlining & canvas). That's why Jacket manufacturing known as lengthy and complicated process. It's not an easy task to make Formal category jacket Operation bulletin. 

Formal jacket SAM approximately calculated from 95- 105 Minutes. Depending upon style and no of pocket plays an important role.

In this article will go through all operation of a formal blazer and we can calculate the actual SAM of a formal blazer.

For better understanding will go through the man power requirement as well which can help most of people those who are interested in jacket production or jacket manufacturing set up. 

No of machine for the planned quantity is also going to mention in this article which can help to set a jacket production line.

Going to start with the format :-

As you can see in above format, there is style description mentioned - Men's jacket with elbow patch in checks fabric. 

Per day planned qty set up is for -600pcs. In this format section is also mentioned which categories all operation into section wise requirement. 

As have mentioned in my previous articles - jacket production can be categories in to five  section as below.

1. Sleeve, 2. lining & collar, 3. Body, 4. Assembly-1 , 5. Assembly -2.

Sleeve section SAM and Manpower allocation:-

As you can see in above chart of sleeve section, In the bottom the man power allocation has sown as below:-

Operators Man power-17.5

Indirect workers- 8.5, Ironer-6. and the SAM of sleeve section will be- 17.27.

Like this we go through other next section of lining  & collar :-

Lining and collar Section SAM and manpower allocation calculation done as below:

Operators requirements: 29.50, Indirect workers:- 4, Ironer:-7 and


Next Section is Body Section:

Body Section SAM and manpower allocation total numbers are as below:

Operators:-31, Indirect workers:- 11, Ironer:- 8 and 

SAM :-24.32.

Assembly -1 section:-

Assembly-1 section Break up as below:- 

SAM:-20.95, Operators:-19.5, Indirect workers:-7 , Ironer:- 14

Assembly-2  Operation bulletins are as below:

Assembly -2  section final calculation sown as below:-

Total No of operators: 22.50, Indirect workers- 9, Ironer -2

and SAM of this section is:- 15.84

We have covered all section operation break down of a formal jacket or blazer which made in industrial jacket manufacturing units.

These timing data may change organization to organization as every one jacket manufacturer following there own concept of making blazer. So its might possible to change in data at Some operations and timing calculation change as per  operation data.

Now we calculate the all section Operation together and calculate the total data as below.

Total calculation shown as operator no-119, indirect workers-39.50, Ironers:- 35.
Total Sam of this jacket in particular organization calculated as - 95.61
In above all section chart the total actual manpower data no can very from chart as the over all actual requirement taken in to calculation.

After Getting the manpower and SAM detail will check the actual no of machine requirement against this OB.

Total No of machine list has shown in above chart.

Note:- Pressing section we have not taken in this chart so the calculation of machine number and manpower detail is against stitching line only.

Formal blazer operation break down

Blazer operation break down(OB) : As we know formal jacket is combination of three layer materials( Body fab, Lining, interlining & canv...